
AVF7000-F025-425-A1NN-N - Thiết bị đo lưu lượng - Alia Việt Nam - Song Thành Công - Vortex Flowmeter

AVF7000-F025-425-A1NN-N-thiet-bi-do-luu-luong-alia-viet-nam-song-thanh-cong-vortex-flowmeterTop bai

AVF7000-F025-425-A1NN-N - Thiết bị đo lưu lượng - Alia Việt Nam - Song Thành Công - Vortex Flowmeter

Ngoài ra công ty Song Thành Công còn cung cấp và phân phối các dòng thiết bị công nghiệp hóa tự động khác:
PILZVietnamCode:  750004
Description: PNOZ s Setscrew terminals 22,5mm
PILZVietnamCode:  540326
Description: PSEN cable axial M12 8-pole 30m
PILZVietnamCode:  541009
Description: PSEN cs3.1 M12/8-0.15m/PSEN cs3.1  1Unit
PILZVietnamCode:  535110
Description: PSEN i1 Interface für 4 PSEN 2
PILZVietnamCode:  533141
Description: PSEN Kabel Gerade/cable straightplug 30m
PILZVietnamCode:  632021
Description: PSEN opII3H-s-30-030
PILZVietnamCode:  570312
Description: PSEN rs pulley 75
PILZVietnamCode:  570314
Description: PSEN rs rope d3/d4 50m
PILZVietnamCode:  570311
Description: PSEN rs spring 300
PILZVietnamCode:  570300
Description: PSEN rs1.0-300
PILZVietnamCode:  380210
Description: PSS67 Cable M12sf M12sm, 10m
PILZVietnamCode:  773100
Description: PNOZ m1p base unit
PILZVietnamCode:  774310
Description:PNOZ X3 24VAC 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 1so
PILZVietnamCode:  774318
Description: PNOZ X3 230VAC 24VDC 3n/o 1n/c 1so
PILZVietnamCode:  522121
Description: PSEN 2.1p-21/8mm/LED/1switch
ELAP VietnamModel: PD100170LD4
Linear Transducer
Trasduttore lineare con 0 cóa 170mm; “0” a 7,5mm in aperture risoluzione 0,01mm; Alim. 5Vdc – out LD5Vdc
ELAP VietnamModel: E0156
Ball joint for transducer; Snodo sferico per trasduttori lineari
Elster American Meter VietnamCode: AMCO1803
REGULATOR, Size 2" Orf 1/2",
Note: Spring and Specification to be advised before placing order

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